Man Week Kick-Off/non-Christians welcome

Man Week is getting a very late start. I intended to start if last Father’s Day and we’re half way to next Father’s Day already. Honestly, I’ve been waiting to feel qualified to speak to the subject. I still feel more disqualified than qualified, but I’m going to jump in, anyway.

"Band of Brothers"
“Band of Brothers”

Here’s the plan…I’m going to move through the first three chapters of Genesis, just as I did for Woman Week. I’m going to expand on certain passages over a consecutive 7-day period in an attempt to both illumine biblical manhood (God’s view of true manhood…and the only real definition) and address our human condition as we struggle to reconcile God’s expectations with our personal and societal definitions.

If you’re thinking, I’m not a Christian and I don’t believe the bible or I’m so far from God, I don’t want to hear what He has to say, I encourage you to hang around and gather whatever tools you can. I don’t deserve to speak on this issue, so you won’t find any judgment here. Woman Week  was easy for me because I believe women are the greatest blessings in God’s creation, beautiful, strong, capable, and worthy of honor. It is easy for me to extol the virtues of women. Man Week is going to tear out my heart and soul because I fall so short of God’s standard. I’m coming from a place of brokenness, pain, and trial. I so tragically miss the mark myself, I feel disqualified to instruct others. If you believe, please pray for me over this coming week.

Having said that, you’ll notice a tonal difference as I write from scripture about manhood as opposed to that which I struck when writing about women. It is going to sound more like a coach’s locker room rant when his team is down by a couple touchdowns at the half, than it will a pep talk abut all the things we do well. I think we have ground to make up, fellas. Most of us, especially me, need to tighten up our game, climb onto our horse, and charge into the darkness. The wolf is always at the door and God has both commissioned and equipped us to do something about it. We’ll take time to high-five over some things we’re doing right. I’ll point out our strengths, but I hope you’ll focus on identifying and mitigating your weaknesses.

The posse is riding out tomorrow. I hope you’ll join us.

One thought on “Man Week Kick-Off/non-Christians welcome

  1. Thanks Tim for these forthcoming posts. I will be praying for you as you write and reading for my own edification. Thank you for sharing. Chuck

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