Does Meditation Work?

I was just watching the morning news and they had a “special report” about the wonderful healing powers of meditation. Studies show that regular meditation tends to lower stress levels, general anxiety, and blood pressure. Meditation is even being used as part of the therapeutic regimen for some cancer patients. The news anchor was quick to add, “You don’t have to be religious, spiritual, or be a ‘believer’ in order to meditate. All you have to do is clear your mind and focus.”

Believers ask me all the time if meditation works and if it is O.K to be a Christian and meditate.

To the first question, meditation does work. It produces all the benefits the studies show. Why? Because God wired our bodies to respond in postive ways to prayer, and meditation is similar to prayer. God tells us to pray without ceasing. He also tells us not to be anxious, but to take everything to Him in prayer. If we’ll do that the peace of Christ…a peace we can’t understand…will protect our hearts and minds. God created us as spirit/body beings. Prayer isn’t just a faith exercise. It is also a physical action. God designed our spirit and our body to respond in postitve ways to the act of praying.  Meditation is simply prayer without an object. Meditation’s goal is emptiness, while prayer’s goal is intimacy or “oneness” with God. “New Age” meditation can cause the same psycho-physiological response as Chrstian prayer, but it has a far different spiritual effect.

To the second question: “Is is O.K for a Christian to meditate?” the answer is, “It depends.” Christians should only meditate on the objects God gives us. We should never meditate in the New Age or spiritual concept of the word. God tells us to meditate on His word day and night. He tells us to pray to Him without ceasing. He DOES NOT tell us to empty our minds. He tells us to fill our minds with Him.

New Age meditation is dangerous. It may bring a positive physiological response, it may bring a psychological sense of peace, but the spiritual ramifications can be devastating. Satan tricks New Agers into believing the universe is filled with mostly benevolent forces and that they–with training–can learn to distinguish between the good and the bad…light and dark. They tend to believe in darkness and light as opposed to good and evil (the concept of Yin and Yang). They are fooled into believing they can distinguish between the two, so they jump fearlessly into the spiritual realm of meditation. Sometimes meditation is taught in elementary schools as a way to reduce stress. Universities, libraries, and businesses host seminars on meditation for their students, patrons, and employees. Children are sometimes encouraged to get in touch with their “spirit guides.” The problem is that Satan and his demons masquerade as angels of light and we cannot tell the difference. If we aren’t focused on the God of the bible, we’re likely talking to the Satan of the bible or one of his servants. Meditation opens the door for demonic influence, while prayer increases the Holy Spirit’s influence.

Don’t get fooled into freeing your mind. Bring your mind under God’s control and let Him take every thought captive for obedience to Christ. That is how to find true freedom, healing, and peace.